NIBM working paper series is an initiative to disseminate the initial research outcome of NIBM faculty members. The major research areas are Finance, International Finance, Credit Risk, Market Risk, Operational Risk, Treasury, Agricultural Finance, Economics, Marketing, Strategy, Operations Management, Analytics, Information Systems, and Human Resource Management within the broad areas of banking and finance. These research works are not peer-reviewed. The idea is to share the research outcomes to receive comments and suggestions. Some of the papers are expected to be under review for possible publications in peer-reviewed journals. Any citation of these research papers requires to mention of the appropriate URL with the source, and the date of access.
Paper Number: WP/09/2021
Publication Year: December 2021
Anjan Roy,
Growth of deposit in banks is primarily influenced by macro-economic environment factors. However, despite facing similar business conditions, some banks are able to achieve higher and sustained growth of deposits than others, which indicates to the importance of bank specific factors for deposit growth. This study attempts to determine …
Paper Number: WP/08/2021
Publication Year: December 2021
Gargi Sanati,
Anup Kumar Bharndari
Rudra Prasad Roy
In the framework of uneven access in bank finances, our study empirically examines the asymmetrical contribution of the large and small exporters in India’s export growth. By using panel threshold model developed by Hansen, 1999 we examine the impact of packing credit and other available sources of bank finances …
Paper Number: WP/06/2021
Publication Year: December 2021
N. K. Chidambaran
Dipali Krishnakumar,
Madhvi Sethi
We examine whether emerging markets capture the value impact of corporate events using data on acquisitions by Indian Firms. We measure market reaction to acquisition announcements using Cumulative Abnormal Returns (CAR) around acquisition announcements and measure the longer-term performance using matched sample buy and hold abnormal returns (BHAR) and …
Paper Number: WP/07/2021
Publication Year: December 2021
Naveen Kumar K,
Entrepreneurship is seen as a critical factor in promoting inclusive growth and development. Entrepreneurship among the poor women is seen as a survival rather than for growth or development, due to lack of access to formal finance, markets, skills and knowledge. For more than two decades, Mann Deshi Bank …
Paper Number: WP/03/2021
Publication Year: November 2021
Smita Roy Trivedi,
"A revised version of the paper is accepted for publication in Asia Pacific Financial Markets, Springer, Date of acceptance: March 19, 2023"
Paper Number: WP/01/2021
Publication Year: November 2021
Naveen Kumar K
Deepankar Roy,
Improved access to formal financial services boosts economic development, decreases inequality, and benefits people at the bottom of the pyramid, more specifically small and marginal farmers, micro and small enterprises, women, and other excluded segments of the population. The digital disruptions and emergence of innovative business models in the …
Paper Number: WP/02/2021
Publication Year: November 2021
Partha Ray,
Subhasankar Chattopadhyay
In comparing the historical experience of structural transformation in two large Asian economies, viz., India and China, we note that the high growth rate in India post-liberalization was marked by an absence of any rapid industrialization. The pace of structural change (i.e., economy moving from predominance of agriculture to …
Paper Number: WP/04/2021
Publication Year: November 2021
Dipali Krishnakumar
Smita Roy Trivedi,
Richa Verma Bajaj
(Accepted for publication, May 2024), Loan frauds in the Indian banking industry: A new approach to fraud prevention using Natural Language Processing (NLP)' , Asia Pacific Financial Markets, Springer.
Paper Number: WP/05/2021
Publication Year: November 2021
Arindam Bandyopadhyay,
Mayuri Saxena
This paper investigates if there exists any inter-linkage between credit risk and liquidity risk and examines key contributing factors to determine both the risks for the scheduled commercial banks in India. We have used a panel data of total 43 public and private commercial banks in India during the …