PRAJNAN is a quarterly double-blind refereed journal that presents research papers, brief articles and commentary on banking and finance and operations. The objectives of the Journal are (a) to encourage new thinking on concepts and theoretical frameworks in the various disciplines of Social Sciences, Administrative and Management Sciences, and (b) to disseminate such new ideas and research papers (with strong emphasis on realism of analysis, provision and use of empirical evidence) which have broad relevance to the working and development of banking and other financial institutions, to help the management of such institutions in formulating various policies that are related both to the short-term and long-term needs of the organizations as well as of the economy.
Submission of full Research Papers which would fulfil the above objectives are welcome. The Journal would also publish Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., which conforms the standards. It is a condition of publication, that the Research Papers, Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., are original works and they have not already been published or they are not submitted for publication elsewhere and will not be reprinted without leave of the Editor (i.e. the copyright of the published materials to be with the Journal).
Each paper is reviewed by the Editor and if it is judged suitable, then it enters the double-blind review process. Manuscripts may be rejected, edited or returned for specified revision on the basis of the recommendations of the referees and decision of the editorial board. Utmost care is taken to ensure faster response to our authors.
Opinions expressed by the authors in the Papers, Notes or Comments are purely individual and no responsibility for such views is assumed by the Editor or the Publishers.
Authors whose papers are published in the Journal will be supplied with 25 reprints of their paper and a complimentary copy of the issue.
The Journal also reviews important books published recently in the disciplines of Social Sciences, Administrative and Management Sciences. Publishers desirous of such reviews should send preferably two copies of the books to the Journal.
Chairman India Development Foundation
Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Professor Emeritus & Former Director Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)
Former Chairman & Managing Director
Bank of Baroda, India
Senior Fellow, Public Policy
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Former Director & CEO
IDRBT, Hyderabad
Former Member
Competition Commission of India
National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune
IIM Ahmedabad
University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA
IIT Madras
IGIDR, Mumbai
Canara Bank, Bengaluru
Bank of Baroda, Mumbai
National Insurance Academy, Pune
Fordham University, New York, USA
Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
IIM Ahmedabad
Newcastle Business School, UK
Qatar Central Bank, Doha, Qatar
Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
AXIS Bank, Mumbai
IIM, Calcutta
Chief Administrative Officer
Executive Officer - Publication;
Copyright © 2022
National Institute of Bank Management, Pune, India
NIBM PO, Kondhwe Khurd Pune - 411048 (India)
All rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission of the publishers. The views expressed and facts stated in the papers contained in this volume are of the individual authors and are in no way those of either the Editors, the institution to which they belong and the publisher.
PRAJNAN is a quarterly double-blind refereed journal that presents research papers, brief articles and commentary on banking and finance and operations. The objectives of the Journal are (a) to encourage new thinking on concepts and theoretical frameworks in the various disciplines of Social Sciences, Administrative and Management Sciences, and (b) to disseminate such new ideas and research papers (with strong emphasis on realism of analysis, provision and use of empirical evidence) which have broad relevance to the working and development of banking and other financial institutions, to help the management of such institutions in formulating various policies that are related both to the short-term and long-term needs of the organizations as well as of the economy.
Submission of full Research Papers which would fulfil the above objectives are welcome. The Journal would also publish Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., which conforms the standards. It is a condition of publication, that the Research Papers, Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., are original works and they have not already been published or they are not submitted for publication elsewhere and will not be reprinted without leave of the Editor (i.e. the copyright of the published materials to be with the Journal).
Each paper is reviewed by the Editor and if it is judged suitable, then it enters the double-blind review process. Manuscripts may be rejected, edited or returned for specified revision on the basis of the recommendations of the referees and decision of the editorial board. Utmost care is taken to ensure faster response to our authors.
Opinions expressed by the authors in the Papers, Notes or Comments are purely individual and no responsibility for such views is assumed by the Editor or the Publishers.
Authors whose papers are published in the Journal will be supplied with 25 reprints of their paper and a complimentary copy of the issue.
The Journal also reviews important books published recently in the disciplines of Social Sciences, Administrative and Management Sciences. Publishers desirous of such reviews should send preferably two copies of the books to the Journal.
Established in 1972, PRAJNAN is one of the oldest management journals attracting quality research papers from academic authors and professionals. The journal has a track record of consistent quality publication throughout its journey. In the area of Banking and Finance, the journal has earned its credibility.
The journal and its editors are fully committed to ethical publication practice. The journal fully endorse and supports the development of and practical application of consistent ethical standards.
Authors are expected to submit original, previously unpublished content to PRAJNAN. During acknowledgment of receipt of articles and prescribing manuscript id, authors agree to the terms that all research submitted to the journal is based on original research based output. The editor and the editorial committee members thoroughly go through each paper and check the authenticity including plagiarism; our reviewers also provide useful information on authenticity of the content and we have zero tolerance on plagiarism, falsification or fabrication of data. We have instantly rejected such papers.
Authors are expected to respond to our queries during the peer review process. In case any error or omission is discovered, it is the responsibility of the author to promptly notify the journal editor and to cooperate with the editor for retraction or correction of the paper.
All reasonable steps should be taken to avoid publication misconduct including fabrication, falsification and plagiarism. The journal ensures proper citation of works, sources of data, charts, graphs, and authenticity of information through review process.
The author can directly write to email and submit a complaint about the journal's review and selection process.
If the article has multiple authors, it is important that all authors who have significantly contributed to the work are listed properly. The authors should duly acknowledge those who have provided research support in the acknowledgement section.
PRAJNAN provides utmost priority and care to avoid potential conflicts and ensure unbiased review. We have an excellent panel of reviewers who have rich experience on the subject matter. We encourage submissions from the reputed institutes/universities/research organizations in India and abroad outside NIBM. We don't publish papers from employees, editors or members of the editorial board of NIBM. We ensure double blind review process where both the contributors as well as reviewers are remain anonymous. We have a standard review template along with a rating sheet to obtain objective assessment of the paper.
PRAJNAN is indexed and abstracted in EBSCO, ProQuest and also in Indian Citation Index (ICI).
Submission of full Research Papers which would fulfil the above objectives are welcome. The Journal would also publish Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., which conforms the standards. It is a condition of publication, that the Research Papers, Brief Articles, Notes or Comments, etc., are original works and they have not already been published or they are not submitted for publication elsewhere and will not be reprinted without leave of the Editor (i.e. the copyright of the published materials to be with the Journal).
All manuscripts and queries to be submitted to "Editor-Prajnan" <>